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High Priestess of Lushotology
AldreaOrcinae is offline
Old 06-14-2010, 04:26 AM

No matter how much you talk to your kids or try to influence them, if they like something they will find access to it and emulate it. My upbringing was strict Catholic and country/gospel music, and when I discovered Green Day I hid the CDs and magazines, and waited until I was at school to put on the eyeliner, spiked bracelets and ties. Nothing my parents did ever swayed me from choosing my own role models, and when little girls see someone who is very close to their age, who could be a classmate, dressing like a prostitute, it seems more acceptable or cool to them than someone older like Britney or Madonna.

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Facade is offline
Old 06-14-2010, 04:34 AM

Not to mention Britney and Madonna have both been pretty risque role models in their own right as well. :lol:

Honestly, I'm more annoyed by Miley's lack of talent. In my opinion, she can't sing, she can't act, and she certainly can't dance. I even wonder if she has a personality sometimes.

But anyway, role models are role models. If they offend you, well... Yeah, not much you can do there. Things happen for a reason, and if your child emulates Miley, wouldn't you say it's just the inevitable process of the said child falling into their own?

Not to mention, role models aren't emulated to the point of fanatic cloning, typically. So Girl A may like how Miley talks, and Girl B might like what she sings about... Then there might be Girl C, trying to get up on her parents' stripper pole, trying to do what she saw her role model do. :roll:

It's subjective, in my eyes.

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 06-14-2010, 05:53 PM

I'm going to merge this thread with the original Miley Cyrus thread:

Hermes is offline
Old 06-14-2010, 11:26 PM

I agree with Aldrea that role models are definitely not something chosen by a kid's parents. Childhood toys are a parent's choice, but once kids are old enough to form some sort of opinion on their own, they're becoming their own person. I personally think Miley Cyrus is a poor role model, but I agree with Facade that it's probably really not that big of a deal.

I honestly think if children properly learn the morals their parents teach them (like stripped poles=bad, that sort of thing), even with role models that do such things they won't do it themselves. I offer Atticus Finch as the ideal example of such. =P

Vexatious~Venom is offline
Old 06-16-2010, 06:46 PM

I hate Miley Cyrus with an extreme passion, I am not a fan of her as a person or her as a 'talented' actress/musician. Though I feel so amazingly unclean when I hear the song 'Party In The USA' because as much as it pains me to say it, I do like the song. If someone other than Miley Cyrus did it it would probably become a favourite of mine. Though the fact she sang it is what is holidng me back.

*really really hates Miley*

Though I'm sure she doesn't like me either so it's all good :lol:

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Bunai is offline
Old 06-18-2010, 05:48 AM

She seems like a cheerful girl.
Although I am not a huge follower fan, I like her husky voice.

ppl who post about hating a child are hypocrites lol

Hermes is offline
Old 06-19-2010, 04:39 AM

Why are they hypocrites?

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
MessyArtist is offline
Old 06-20-2010, 02:15 AM

They criticise our generation, but forget WHO RAISED US.Anyways. I like the new 'Can't be tamed' song by Miley. Because in the past years, she's been acting as HannahMontana, someone who she isn't, and the songs 'Can't be tamed' and
Party in the USA' are just ways of expressing HERSELF. I mean people are complaining, but i don't get it; haven't you guys seen a pair of boobs these days? Is wearing a tank top and shorts being slutty? I live in Australia, and all of us wear tanks and shorts. So I dono what's the problem with miley.

Snort Like A Pig
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Snort Like A Pig is offline
Old 06-20-2010, 08:54 AM

lol, i could care less of what miley cyrus does. i think her tv show is kind of funny, and that one song 'see you again' was pretty catchy a while back.

Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 11:07 AM

I used to like her when she was Hannah Montana, but while she's been trying to "grow up" like, really quickly, I've lost my respect for her.

Then again, we all knew she couldn't be a child forever. I'm pretty sure Billy Ray is way too lenient with her, considering she's probably the one bringing home all the money in these recent years.

IngridInnsbruck is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 02:40 PM

Miley Cyrus doesn't write her own songs. Nor does she choose her own outfits. She's been made into a star with a hoard of teenybopper fangirls.

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Konekko is offline
Old 06-25-2010, 08:47 AM

mehhh her songs are annoying and bad but i have nothing against her
dunno her in r/l so not going to judge her

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Angelicious3 is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 06:36 PM

I am not really a fan of her, but i am a fan of her songs! :)

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Bunai is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by Hermes View Post
Why are they hypocrites?
The young posters here are so quick to make death-threats and use disgusting names for young American entertainers. It seems as if you have to be Asian (specifically Japanese) or not from America in order for these posters to not bash on a young entertainer.

People (children practically) call her a slut, but have no idea what the term is and no proof. They want to be angry about someone "that they don't listen to" not writing their own songs, but the people they listen to don't always write or produce their own work either. They talk about clothing, but I am sure Miley can be wearing a burlap sack or a burqa and still be bashed on over cloth.

What exactly are people angry over? The obsession with putting someone down is just headache inducing. People literally go out of their way to find ANYTHING (even when it is a rumor of completely made up crap) on her just so they have something to do online.

Originally Posted by IngridInnsbruck View Post
Miley Cyrus doesn't write her own songs. Nor does she choose her own outfits. She's been made into a star with a hoard of teenybopper fangirls.
This may come as a shock... but this is true for EVERY Entertainer in history.

Last edited by Bunai; 07-07-2010 at 07:47 AM..

neko xoxox
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neko xoxox is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 08:49 AM

Perez Hilton posted a crotch shot of her on his website. I think that speaks for itself.

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Bunai is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by neko xoxox View Post
Perez Hilton posted a crotch shot of her on his website. I think that speaks for itself.
Yeah, it means Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr. aka Perez, is a slime ball who needs another good punch to the face. It also means who ever took that picture is a pervert.

neko xoxox
I REAALY regret my name :(
neko xoxox is offline
Old 07-09-2010, 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by Bunai View Post
Yeah, it means Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr. aka Perez, is a slime ball who needs another good punch to the face. It also means who ever took that picture is a pervert.
I don't get why celebrity girls can't just wear underwear?

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Bunai is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by neko xoxox View Post
I don't get why celebrity girls can't just wear underwear?
why can't that be the same for the average person lol =3

Onyx Obelisk
Onyx Obelisk is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 08:23 AM

In my opinion...

I HATE Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. Her voice gets under my skin and annoys the living hell out of me. Her acting makes me wanna shove a knife in her throat, that's how bad she is. She's a horrible role model for children. She's just a horrible person in general. She's spoiled, too

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BrokenEnglish is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 11:07 AM

I'll descirbe her in one word:


Me: I hate her, she cant dance, cant sing and hangs onto her dad like anything and her new video clip Slurry much? Sorry I just hate her

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 03:11 PM

I don't think it's right to hate her, she is very successful and a good singer. Just because she got famous from disney isn't a reason to hate her. Lots of people completely trash her for that. Personally, I prefer Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato, simply for their attitudes and personalities. Miley Cyrus is quite outspoken and annoying at times for me. Probably because I know she's one of those girls that wouldn't get along with as well. I don't enjoy her music as much as Selena or Demi, but I respect her just the same as any celebrity. It would be insensitive of me to say I hated someone I have never met and is much more talented, successful and attractive than myself. If she did something to me personally or offended me in some way, then I would have the right to say I didn't like her at all. However, she's fine, and I don't dislike her music.

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Bunai is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 02:01 AM

Originally Posted by Onyx Obelisk View Post
In my opinion...

I HATE Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. Her voice gets under my skin and annoys the living hell out of me. Her acting makes me wanna shove a knife in her throat, that's how bad she is. She's a horrible role model for children. She's just a horrible person in general. She's spoiled, too
Do you know her personally or something? Because I am always curious as to how people speak about an Entertainer, as if they met them in real life and not just going by the internet and hearsay.


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