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Rambunctiouscupcakes is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 09:52 PM

Alright. His face was definitely red now. He confessed his love and then he got lectured. Again. Well, he didn't really hear him so it shouldn't count. He tried to keep his cool, but before he realized it he had shouted;

"I love you!"

He got closer to his teacher now, and looked into his eyes. "I love you. I'll be good, I'll do whatever you want. Just-" He moved to grab the mans collar, fully bent on kissing him right on the mouth.

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 01:18 AM

Brodie's heart dropped into his stomach at Ethan's words. So he did hear correctly. He had no idea how to react. This sort of thing had never happened to him before. Only two people had ever confessed their love to him before. Once he was drunk in a bar on the outskirts of the city with a rowdy landscape gardener, and the second was his ex whom he had dated steadily for five years, up until he caught him in bed with a woman that is.

"Well...I..." he stammered.

Ethan grabbed his collar, and he knew what was coming. He moved his neck back and tried to push Ethan off of him.

"I'm flattered," he managed to say quickly. "I honestly am! But Ethan, I'm your teacher. You're my student. There's about a twenty year age gap. There is nothing legal or right about this at all. You have to realise that. So come on, let go."

Rambunctiouscupcakes is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 02:52 AM

Ethan shook his head and kept his grip on his teacher. Their faces were close, but since the man tilted his head back he didn't try to kiss him again. Not yet.

"..But how can it be wrong? I was thinking it over all weekend and have never thought anything so right! Age doesn't matter if you care about someone. Please, just let me show you." He felt that he was acting a little too desperate, so at the last sentence he tried to flirt, his voice turning a little more husky than his normal tone.

He was so close to the man that he just wanted to take what he wanted, he wanted to kiss him, to pin him to the desk and prove to him how adult he really was.

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 08:52 AM

Brodie didn't want to hurt his feelings, though he knew just how much he stood to lose if he perpetuated his adolescent fantasies. Not only his job, and therefore the house and car he wouldn't be able to make payments on, but also he'd gain a criminal record. He couldn't even begin to fathom what the boy's parents would think.

He let out a small groan of anguish.

"Ethan..." He said slowly. "Please. In this case, age does matter. Very much so. As does professionalism. I could lose my job, my home, my car. I could go to jail for this. I don't really know how you intent to 'prove' anything, but I'm asking you, don't."

Rambunctiouscupcakes is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 04:56 PM

Talking was getting nowhere with Carlton, as usual. He just didn't realize what he was saying "No" to! In two years, he'll be 18 and also out of the school! They would just have to keep quiet about it till then.

"No one has to know. I know I have no one to tell." his voice was barely a whisper as he looked around the room. He'd made sure that the door was closed and that no one was inside the room before he had started, but for the other man's sake he did a double check before attempting to push the older man down with all his body weight, pinning him to the desk. He brought his lips close again, pulling him into a kiss that he hopefully couldn't avoid this time.

When life gives you melons, make...
RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 05:52 PM

Brodie was caught by surprise when he realised just how strong Ethan actually was. He was pinned to his desk. He didn't really have any way to get out of it. He didn't want to hurt him by bending his arms. He was never really sure of his own strength, so any attempt to push Ethan back could send him flying.

Suddenly, Ethan kissed him. For a moment, the world seemed to stop. Rather than fight it, Brodie kissed him back. Then, slowly, reality started to seep back into the front of his mind. He realised what he was doing. He quickly pulled his head back.

"Ethan," he said quietly. "'s just..."

But he was lost for words. There was nothing that he could say. Nothing he could do to deny the fact that he liked Ethan. He wasn't sure how he liked him, but he did.


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