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Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 02:25 AM

Creature Request

I'm looking to get art of a few of my creature-like OCs~

My funds are:

Scepter of Order - Royal Cape
Raven Wings - Dove Wings
Staff of Healing - Horns of Nature
Raven Anklewings - Dove Anklewings
Peacock Regalia -Weather Forecast
Steampunk Headgear -Tatsu the Dragon
Wood Sprite - Jade Ronin
Hammer of Thor
Book of Daydreams - Tome of Nightmares
Chilly The Polar Bear
Peacock Scythe - Tapio Defender
Overlord's Wrath - Mystic Faun
Robes of Healing - Return to Nature
Indra's Storm - Retrobot
Calesco's Fury - Ire of Naias
Cloak and Dagger - Fright Night
Take Me To Your Leader
Fox Spirit - BRAINZZZ
Kappa Trouble - The Power of Voodoo
Valiant Knight Armor - Mad Monk
The VJ - Hawtsome
Cheezy Romance - Life's A Beach
Tengu - Imperial Regality
Golden Harvest - Gundrik the Dwarf
Bubbly Celebration - Elven Wish
My Little Vicky Dolly - Yumeh Plush
Menewsha Welcome T-Shirt (M)
Yumeh Ears and Tail

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IoLH Animal Forms

Last edited by Hadsvich; 01-14-2014 at 07:45 PM..

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 02:28 AM


Click on image to go to his gallery.
Pose Refs

Illian is an incarnation of the moon. He has the ability to fly and also has some psychic powers, such as divination, telekinesis, and telepathy.

Features: He has a single eye on his forehead that is closed most of the time, rarely open. His single eye varies in color depending on what he is using his eye for. And his regular eyes are amber. He's mostly human-like in appearance. His face can be human shaped or have a snout like an animals. His ears atop his head are large and triangular. His fingers and toes end in sharp claws; he has no nails. His skin is a grey-blue color with light grey and white specks and he grows no hair at all. He has a tail that's almost as long as his body is.

Personality: He's solemn, he doesn't know how to express himself, he usually just keeps all his feelings inside; he's reflective, he likes to meditate and think about things that are important to him; and he's intuitive, he's very observant and knows what a person is like when he first meets them.

Suitable Expressions: wistful smile (like he's thinking about the moon where he came from), smile (if he's among things he likes or doing something he likes), neutral (meditating, observing things)

Likes: Flying, butterflies, birds, cats, the sky, moon, clouds.

Last edited by Hadsvich; 07-27-2017 at 01:36 PM..

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 03:17 AM

Ian's Aeons

_Zek (The Black Dragon) [Gallery]
Eyes: Yellow.
Personality: He's quite hot-blooded in that he can be impulsive and ardent; he demands attention (he loves showing off); and he really enjoys acting selfish.
Description: Huge, winged, fire-breathing reptiles with four limbs.
Features: He's a rather slender black dragon with a red underbelly and white horns and claws. He has a mouth formed like this. The inside of his wings are red. He also has a marking of a triangle outlined in red on his lower back.
Significant Notes: He has the ability to change size at will. He's able to become as large as a two story house and as small as a mouse.
Best Refs: None yet~
_Paul (The Phoenix) [Gallery]
Eyes: Black.
Personality: He's childish and silly; he's very playful and enjoys having Gareth as his playmate; and is rather curious about the world.
Description: Birds as large as an eagle, with brilliant scarlet and gold plumage and a melodious cry.
Features: His feathers are scarlet and gold and his beak and feet are yellow.
Significant Notes: He has the ability to transform into an even larger phoenix.
Best Refs: None yet~

_Gareth (The Guivre/Wyvern) [Gallery]
Eyes: Green.
Personality: He can be critical at times and can be very expressive about it; when he realizes he knows more about a subject than another, he becomes condescending; he very often speaks sarcastically(making it hard to know when he's telling the truth).
Description: Huge, winged reptilian with two legs.
Features: His wings are a bit tattered (though he can still fly with them). His scales are red orange and his horns and claws are black, kinda like this. He's somewhat plump.
Significant Notes: Paul loves to perch atop him.
Best Refs: None yet~

_Bradley (The Basilisk) [Gallery]
Personality: He's steadfast and never likes to leave Ian's side unless absolutely necessary; he's a warrior at heart though he doesn't like to kill; and is very solemn and dignified.
Description: Reptilian humanoids with the ability to turn those who look into their eyes into stone.
Features: His scales vary between blue-green and brown. He looks pretty much like that image I just linked to except he's smooth all around, no spikes at all, like this or this (nsfw). His feet look more like this, with the claws sticking out.
Significant Notes: His eyes are closed at all times unless he sees the need to use them. The only ones unaffected by his eyes is Ian and his Aeons.
Best Refs: None yet~

Raze's Aeons

_Kate (The Dragon) [Gallery]
Eyes: Blue.
Personality: She has very good memory, but of all her senses her hearing is the strongest; she's friendly to all who approach her; she's also very humble/modest, she knows what she can and cannot do and isn't showy about it.
Description: Giant winged, fire-breathing reptiles with four limbs.
Features: Her scales are blue-green. She's miniature compared to others of her kind. Her size will always be that of a regular baby dragon.
Best Refs: None yet~

_Hathui (The Wolf) [Gallery]
Eyes: Left eye brown, right eye blue.
Personality: She's tough and independent.
Description: A wild dog..
Features: These colors. Or this. Or this.
Significant Notes:
Best Refs: None yet~

Sate's Aeons

_Tear (The Mourning Dove) [Gallery]
Eyes: Black.
Personality: She becomes frightened easily and overreacts because of that; but give her a job or message to send and she'll get right to it; She tends to think she can protect those she cares about though she's quite fragile and small.
Description: Medium-sized, slender dove approximately 31 cm (12 in) in length.
Features: Light grey-brown feathers/wings and lighter below, chest area. Wings have a few black spots and there's a crescent shaped area of black feathers under each eye. A white ring surrounds her eyes. Her feet are reddish colored with black talons.
Best Refs: None yet~
_Orion (The Winged Aeon) [Gallery]
Eyes: Royal blue.
Personality: He's genuinely happy and easygoing and almost always has a calm and cool expression; he doesn't speak much, being one to think that actions speak louder than words; and he likes to help others without being noticed, making those he helped feel that they accomplished their task without any aid.
Description: Dog-like creatures that evolved from cats and dogs.
Features: White fluffy coat, wings, long rabbit-like ears and long chinchilla-like tail. Like this.
Significant Notes: He's able to camouflage to match his surroundings like a chameleon.
Best Refs: None yet~
_Johanna (The Wolfos) [No Gallery Yet]
Eyes: Glowing yellow.
Personality: She's solemn and quiet.
Description: Race of wolf-like monsters that frequently appear in forested areas. They use their two large front claws to lunge at enemies and prey.
Features: Shaggy brown coat with black paws and black tipped ears and tail.
Best Refs:
_Nikolai (The Griffin) [Gallery]
Eyes: Dark brown.
Personality: Curious and gullible.
Description: A large creature, winged or wingless, usually with a lion's body and a bird's head.
Features: He has mainly the body of a snow leopard with head and wings of a bird. His forelegs are bird legs. Very much like this, same colors and pattern.
Significant Notes:
Best Refs: None yet~
_Mian (The White Tiger) [Gallery]
Eyes: White or very light grey.
Personality: Regal and respectful.
Description: Large cats with vertical stripe patterns on their fur.
Features: He has brownish-orange stripes and a pink-gray nose.
Significant Notes: He breathes blue fire.
Best Refs: None yet~

Last edited by Hadsvich; 07-27-2017 at 02:19 PM..

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 05:00 AM

Island of Lost Hopes

Animal/Creature forms of a few of my OCs from the Island of Lost Hopes universe.

_Elliot (The Werewolf) [Wolf Form][Humanoid Form]
Eyes: Very light grey, almost white.
Personality: He's very trustworthy, everyone relies on him; because of this reliance, he can get annoyed easily; he likes to wander around alone at times to ponder about his life; and he can get tired rather easily at times, so he enjoys taking naps.
Description: A wild dog..
Features: He has a dark grey coat.
Significant Notes: On the day of a full moon he turns into a full grown wolf.
Wears a brown leather bracelet that looks like this on his front left paw, except it has the infinity symbol instead.
Best Refs: None yet~
_Jiro (The Nekomata) [Neko/Nekomata Form] [Humanoid Form]
Eyes: Yellow green.
Personality: He likes to go with the flow (he's very adaptable); he's very receptive (he's open to new ideas and is very understanding); and he can be rather upbeat about things (when others are worried about a situation, he believes they shouldn't be so worried).
Description: Large cats, reportedly a meter and a half long minus the bifurcated tail, and often walk about comfortably on their hind feet; they are said to dance and manipulate the dead like puppets, and are associated with strange fires and other unexplainable occurrences; some are able to disguise themselves as human beings.
Features: He has a form he uses as a disguise, where he looks just like a regular, normal calico cat (his colors are orange white and grey in this form). And then there's his true form, which is described under description (though he's white with dark purple spots lined with orange, sorta like this).
Best Refs: None yet~
_Dimitri (The Tanuki) [Tanuki Form] [Humanoid Form]
Eyes: Pink.
Personality: He can be quite the innocent one (but he learns quickly); he's rather clumsy (he doesn't always pay attention to what he's doing); and he's also somewhat shy (though it doesn't take too long for him to get along with a person).
Description: An odd member of the dog family that resembles a raccoon (also known as a raccoon dog); distinguished by lacking its look-a-like's tail rings, and walking on its toes like a dog; prone to mischief and shape-changing and the deception of humans.
Features: Dark brown coat with black tips on ears and tail. Black mask, legs, and belly. More or less like this.
Best Refs: None yet~
_Sera (The Neko) [Neko Form] [Humanoid Form]
Eyes: Light blue.
Personality: She's very curious (loves to ask many questions to her 'family' so she can get to know them as much as she can); outgoing (not afraid to come up to a stranger); playful (she'll play with anyone at anytime, but she favors playing with the Uzumaki); and rather trusting (but that doesn't mean she can be fooled easily, she usually knows what people intend to do, she just has a strong belief that all beings are pure at heart).
Description: A cat..
Features: She's a young white short-haired cat.
Significant Notes: She wears a silver bangle around her left hind leg.
Best Refs: None yet~
_Marcel (The Uzumaki) [Uzumaki Form] [Humanoid Form]
Eyes: Bluish-grey.
Personality: He's a lone wolf, liking to be by himself; a bit suicidal (though his 'family' would stop him if he was ever caught doing such a thing); and is very protective (he'd do anything to protect his 'family,' most of all the neko).
Description: Beings bearing scars in the shape of spirals all over their bodies; they often suffer from dizzy spells and seem to attract evil spirits; they have an interesting ability that allows them to look directly at the sun (or any other bright light) with no effect to their eyes, causing most to believe that their original environment was/is always full of brilliant light, thus explaining the utter blindness they have at night; each of them have a unique form from all the others; certain individuals of their kind are able to transform into gigantic creatures (aka pure uzumaki form) of chimeric appearance.
Features: His facial shape and ears are much like this. His ears are able to position themselves like those of a fennec fox's or cat's. He has two large upper fangs. He has a mane like a lion's and cat-like eyes. His body is slender and lean, almost starved in this form. His hands are very human, though elongated with sharp claws/nails. His legs are animal-like, like this or this. And his tail is like that of a scorpion's though covered with fur and ending more like a blade. Black spiral shaped marks cover all of his body. His fur (which covers all of him except for his face, fingers, and tail-blade) is red orange, his skin is grey.
Significant Notes: He's one of very few Uzumaki able to transform. His transformation only occurs when he feels he or his 'family' are in danger or when he's angry (which is rare).
Best Refs: Overall
_Yahiko (The Kappa) [Kappa Form] [Humanoid Form]
Age: 10 ________ Height: 4'
Eyes: Yellow.
Hair: Green, short like this or this.
Personality: He thinks himself a delinquent (though he's quite the good boy); he likes to show off (which usually leads to him in an uncomfortable situation); he may act tough, but, at heart, he's very caring and rather innocent; he's no coward (he can be surprisingly strong and quite brave when he needs to be); and he's rather social (because this is his way of attaining life energy).
Description: A type of water sprite considered to be one of many water deities; their bodies are like those of monkeys or frogs; some have apelike faces, while others have beaked visages like those of tortoises or duck beaks; they have thick shells and scaly skin that ranges in color from green to yellow or blue; they inhabit ponds and rivers and have webbed hands and feet to aid them in this environment; atop their head are water-filled depressions, from which their incredible strength derives from and is their weakness, for if they lose their head-water, they grow weary and may even die; modern kappas have devised a way to avoid this by hiding themselves behind a human appearance; they are curious and gullible creatures and are known for their deep sense of decorum, love of cucumbers and challenging others to various test of skill, as well as for being mischievous troublemakers.
Features: A 'bald spot' would be on top of his hair, looking more or less like a sunflower, the color of the head-water is greenish. His skin is a light green. His beak is a light greenish yellow color. His shell is a greenish brown. His hands and feet are webbed. & His ears are hidden.
Best Refs: None yet~
_Reika (The Kitsune) [Kitsune Form] [Humanoid Form]
Eyes: Bright teal.
Personality: She's quite the tease (and enjoys teasing the kappa more than anyone else); she knows much about many worlds because of the many centuries spent living in it; and she's rather lascivious(lewd), though it's not very obvious.
Description: A fox adept at shapeshifting and illusion and often accused of possessing and misleading humans. The number of tails they can have varies between one to nine. How many they have measures how powerful their magic is.
Features: She has a dark orange coat and seven tails.
Significant Notes: She wears a black collar with a bell at the end.
Best Refs: None yet~

Last edited by Hadsvich; 05-30-2015 at 02:07 PM..

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-11-2012, 03:17 PM

Reserved Post
Just In Case

WherededIGo is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 02:40 PM

I'd happy to do some art. Are you looking for fan art, or designs?
*Since at the moment I have no creature art to showcase, I would be happy to do one for free to see if you'd like my skills, it would probably be a little rough though.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 05:00 PM

Designs for most of these guys. x'3
The only ones I've actually gotten drawn are Illian, Ian's Aeons, and Yahiko~
I'm not really finished designing a few of them though.

I'd love to see what you do~ o uo

WherededIGo is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 09:47 PM

Well, I'm happy to do as many as you'd like me to, but I just won't be able to start drawing until another 24 hours, because I have a load of school and work. But I'll get you that's sample as soon as possible.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-12-2012, 10:10 PM

That's fine, I can wait~ o uo
Good luck with everything you need to do~

WherededIGo is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 02:50 PM

Thank you ^_^
Hmm, today my hand's just not working for me.
I can offer to do some art of you humanoid versions.
They'd turn out something like this: clickey
But more suiting to their personality.

Flowery Pit
Come fall into my abyss
Flowery Pit is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 09:26 PM

Are you looking to see examples first before we go into action mode of drawing your characters?.. I'm interested in trying, but I don't know if you're looking for certain drawing-styles.

The only example is what's in my sig. I'm usually a semi-realism/cartoon artist.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-13-2012, 09:38 PM

@WherededIGo: I'm interested, but I'd really rather prefer I get art of their animal/creature forms.
It is why I made this thread. :sweat:

@Flowery Pit: I'd prefer to see examples, but I really don't mind.
I'd appreciate anything really. o uo
& I quite like your style~ <3

Flowery Pit
Come fall into my abyss
Flowery Pit is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 12:49 AM

Okay, I scavenged for what little examples I have just to give you more of a variety. Most of these are WIPs, so it means I'm a really slow color-er since that's my favorite part.

Creature Design

Cartoon Style

Character Design

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 01:20 AM

Oh~ Those are all really nice~ o wo
What are you interested in drawing for me?
And what prices are you looking for?
o uo

Flowery Pit
Come fall into my abyss
Flowery Pit is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 03:25 AM

I know that I'd like to draw Reika (+Yahiko, but not sure), Dimitri and Marcel. I looked up what uzumaki was, and it's pretty intense but I like how it's creepy, so I really want to play up on that. But I want to ask, like, which form of it does he become 'cause there is some ugly transformations.

As for prices, I wouldn't be able to tell you because.. I never really sold my artwork on Mene. I wouldn't know what's too much to ask for. I know that each of these are going to be.. full body + background w/ color. I would almost say 1k each?..As for an item; I like Evil Overlord. I'm not asking for all. Yeah, see I don't really know. :sweat:

Last edited by Flowery Pit; 06-14-2012 at 06:48 AM.. Reason: Adding

WherededIGo is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 04:34 AM

Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post
@WherededIGo: I'm interested, but I'd really rather prefer I get art of their animal/creature forms.
It is why I made this thread. :sweat:

@Flowery Pit: I'd prefer to see examples, but I really don't mind.
I'd appreciate anything really. o uo
& I quite like your style~ <3
Alrighty then.

here's just a quick sketch :)

Last edited by WherededIGo; 06-14-2012 at 08:31 AM..

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 08:22 PM

@Flowery Pit: Oh? o wo That would be great! > w<
Are you talking about the manga Uzumaki?
I didn't really base my Uzumaki off of anything except for the actual meaning of the word--spiral.
What I have in mind for his beast/creature form is more of a manticore actually.
I'm having someone do a quick design of him right now so I can use it as a ref.
I'd love for you to draw him but I hope you don't mind waiting a while first.

I wouldn't mind at all giving you Evil Overlord~ I price that at 5k. Would that be okay with you? For those four?

@Whered: Ha, cute~
Um, is that for me, or is that just an example?
o uo;

WherededIGo is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 09:41 PM

Well, it's just an example, to see if you like my style and would like me to draw for you.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-14-2012, 10:30 PM

lol I thought it might be. x'3
& Of course I'd like you to, I think I pretty much agreed already. x'D

WherededIGo is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 06:15 AM

Awesome! Any particular ones you want me to do?

*just making sure :'D

Flowery Pit
Come fall into my abyss
Flowery Pit is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post
@Flowery Pit: Oh? o wo That would be great! > w<
Are you talking about the manga Uzumaki?
I didn't really base my Uzumaki off of anything except for the actual meaning of the word--spiral.
What I have in mind for his beast/creature form is more of a manticore actually.
I'm having someone do a quick design of him right now so I can use it as a ref.
I'd love for you to draw him but I hope you don't mind waiting a while first.

I wouldn't mind at all giving you Evil Overlord~ I price that at 5k. Would that be okay with you? For those four?

@Whered: Ha, cute~
Um, is that for me, or is that just an example?
o uo;
Oh yeah, I thought you meant the manga, I was a bit scurred because I pictured him unraveling. I can wait for the ref; it'll actually be more helpful before I made a terrifying pic of him. o_o;

Yeah, I the evil overlord will be great for the four. :D Okay, I'll start workingg on the other three; it'll take time because each of my pieces take a lot of time to be that nice in detail. I'll inform you ever so often how my progress is so I won't leave you out of the loop.

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-15-2012, 04:21 PM

@Whered: I always want art of Illian, but if you'd rather not, I'd like art of Sera and Jiro in his cat and nekomata form. x'3
Feel free to draw any you're interested in too~ :'3

@Flowery Pit: lol She's pretty much done with the ref now~ I'll probably get it some time today. o uo
I wonder what you'll think of it. x'3

I understand~
That would be appreciated, I look forward to hearing your progress~

I'll just go and get a trade started~ :D


Kent is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 04:12 AM

Here's Marcel's Uzumaki form~ I hope I did him justice. ; w;

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 04:16 AM

You did! > w< I told you already that you did though! D:< <3
Now let me put that up~ o uo


Kent is offline
Old 06-16-2012, 04:19 AM

Are you sure? D: I mean, it's only the original design. Maybe you'll want to make changes in the future. ; 3;
; w;


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